Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas with the Singles.

The photos below show how much fun we had at the singles Christmas party. Part of our Christmas party is a collection of food items to give out to those in need during the Christmas holiday season. The photos at the end of the Christmas party are of those who helped with the food item distrabution and their stop at Dairy Queen after. Thanks everyone for helping others!

With the New Year comes a New Blog and Emailer

A couple of months ago President DaBell mentioned that there was some legal conserns regarding our old emailer due to the fact that our tital makes it seem that we are an emailer for the church throughout the state of MT. Originally when I started the emailer in 2008 I had hoped that in some ways the emailer would become more state wide so that we shared more between one stake and another but the responsibility to handle that kind of an emailer is great. So we've shortened the title of the emailer and our responsibility. Our Bozeman Stake Singles 31+ is responsible for our Bozeman Stake Singles not the singles throughout the state of Montana. However this does not mean that we will not forward announcements from other stakes but just that our focus will be more within the Bozeman Stake.

Please update your spam/email to accept the new email address.

If you wish to look at old blog posts please do so at
The new blog posts will be at